Blog entry : 3/31/08 Alyeska comp
Two days of excitement in the mountains of Girdwood at Alyeska resort where a herd of men, women, and kids test their skills against one of the gnarliest competition venues of all time. It was a sight to see. The world’s best freeheel skiers went head to head and when the dust cleared, my good friend Nick Devore stood atop all the rest. I took another nasty fall in the superfinals that dropped me from my third place standing to a sixth place finish. I am very pleased to bring home another Sickbird Award though. A laid out sixty-foot lawn dart front flip was the stunt that brought this one home for me. That makes a clean sweep of the Sickbird for me this season. I had a grand comp total of a third place podium finish, a sixth place, and two Sickbirds in the two comps I attended this season. I am happy with this for the season. I always hate to fall in crunch time, but that is the way life goes some times. If I won all the time I would not have very much appreciation for the joy of victory now would I. So I will take my lumps as they come and use them as fuel for the fire that will burn at me until next season when I can take another crack at the top spot.