It has been some time since I've last updated. I have been getting after it lately and am short of much free-time. I've been skiing and shooting every day with the crew. A bunch of good new pow turns and a few big lines, which is a new development up at the Basin within the last few days. The upper elevation bowls are open and we are getting our fill. Snow is thin yet and sketch wind pack in areas. However, the upper elevation southeast faces are best right now for bigger lines and we have some cold snow in the middle elevation northys. Still getting into shape, but lugging around the heavy camera gear is kicking it into shape. Then, I come home, eat and rip off a 20 minute nap so I have some juice left to throw luggage bags all night down at the airport in SLC with Delta. Good job, with good folks, and being able to fly for free anywhere in the world is a perk that will come in handy on more than a few occasions. Finally starting to get into a bit of a routine now after the move and the new job and the beginning of the season. Stoked on the progress. New full page pic in Telemark skier mag, check it out in a resort profile of Alta. Steve Lloyd took the picture at Rocky Point, Alta. Alls well.