^ Taking in the view from my Delta Airlines Bombardier CRJ-700 seat on my way back to Chicago's O'Hare International Airport. I was lucky to finally get a seat on Friday and make it back in time for the festivities. Would have been a real bummer to have missed out on the weekend.

^ A great deal for me is the Chicago Metra train station that is right there at O'Hare that shuttles me right up to Antioch, Illinois, which is just a twenty minute drive for my family to come scoop me up from our home just across the border. It is a good gig with my travel benefits through Delta Airlines, and then just a six dollar train ride. Can't beat that.

^ The ride is a nice one too. The conductors are all friendly guys who love to have a conversation with any willing train rider. I usually take advantage of the nice quite ride to get some work done, listen to some tunes, or finish up a movie I couldn't finish on the flight. There is even Wi-Fi on the Metra trains these days.

^ First night back in town was topped off with some good fried fish at a local tap, and then some drinks with a bunch of old friends at another local favorite pictured here, the Lilly Lake Lounge. I love this little old bar on my hometown stomping grounds of Lilly Lake. I have made a lot of near and dear memories in this little bar, and continue to enjoy my time there every time I stop by. Often times I feel bad cause no one ever lets me buy them a beer when I am there, but I can't complain cause the pro skier life is not exactly that of the NBA. I guess it is just the nature of all the good folks that call this place home, and are always so willing to embrace a good friend that they may not have seen in a while. I love them all for it, but one of these days I will get a round, I promise.

^ My cousin Jeremy and his new wife Randi celebrated the beginning of their new life and family together with a classic outdoor pig roast wedding on the lake in Twin Lakes, Wisconsin. The setting was not only gorgeous, but a total perfect fit for them. I had such a good time catching up with a lot of old friends from high school and some family that I hadn't seen in a while.

^ The sunset view from the steps of the lake house that was the site of Jeremy and Randi's wedding was the perfect ending to a really fantastic day. If the rest of their lives together goes anything like the wedding did they will be just fine.

^Next was the wedding of my one of my oldest friends, Matt. So much so that I still refer to him as a cousin, as well as his mom and dad my aunt and uncle. I was blown away at how beautiful his lovely bride Mindy looked in her wedding gown. I really like giving Matt a hard time about how he married up, because as I always put it to him, "she is way better looking then you". It is always good for a shy laugh and acknowledgement from him. This photo is a blurry dark shot from my Verizon Wireless LG EnV3 cell phone of Matt and his mom, Aunt Colleen, having their traditional dance together. The venue was really cool at the ski chalet of a local hill at Grand Geneva Resort in Lake Geneva. Even though the LG EnV3 cellphone photo is dark and does little justice you can still get an idea of how cool the setting was with the lights draping down over the centered dance floor. I wish I had gotten a photo of the perfect sunset behind the chairlift towering over the evening's landscape. Best wishes to Matt and Mindy going forward in their lives toghther, and thank you for one hell of a good time.

^ Of course, as much fun as I always have back home with my family and friends it is always nice to get back to Salt Lake City, Utah with my beautiful fiance, Christine, and our fun loving pup, Murphy. Murphy is on her back in a little session of playing in the green grass field of our condo complex. Playing fetch is one of our favorite past times, and when she brings the ball back she always like to roll around on it and play a little keep away with me. I am getting her good in this photo with a belly rub and teasing her with her ball that I just got away from her.
So in conclusion, a big cheers to the new marriages, and much thanks for throwing two great parties to celebrate. I am glad that I was able to make it back to share the days with them, and I have best hopes and wishes for each of them for the future. Cheers.