Christine and I have been hangin in Ireland the last couple of days for the wedding of some old friends of ours. Amy Anderson and Patrick Joyce tied the knot over here on Friday and we celebrated with them and their families and friends. The wedding was one of a kind and the castle setting was a once in a lifetime kind of experience. The garden wedding was blessed with fantastic weather in a land were rain is more the norm than sun. The party was so much fun with a traditional Irish band and a cast of lords and ladies that entertained us in medieval tradition. It was a really cool. I am so glad that we were able to be a part the whole event. I would like to extend my best wishes and much love to Amy and Patrick in their future together.
The land is beautiful and the people are kind. We have been having doing our best to drink the land dry. Of course we are Utah lightweights so we have been getting our asses handed to us every night. It has been refreshing to spend some time with some old friends in a new environment. Ireland actually looks a lot like Wisconsin in some places. Now we have made our way north up the coast and the landscape has changed some to a more mountainous environment. We are holding up tonight in Clifden and it is a very cool little town. Tomorrow we are planning on touring around here and then making our way up through Westport and on into Ballina were Christine has some ancestral ties. Driving on the other side of the road and shifting a manual with my left hand has proved a daunting task, but we have only caught air in our little Hyundai Getz one time and I didn't kill anybody so we are doing fine then I guess. I am getting the hang of it. I am here for a few more days and then Christine is moving along to tour northwest Europe with her cousin Tara for another week or two. She is pretty excited to spend some time with her cousin and to get the chance to see some new places with her. I on the other hand have to return to work and every day life.