Vertical Integration shorty... Dog Days...

Vertical Integration presents a new shortie here that is a bit of a peak at what the crew has been shooting early this season in Utah.  Vertical Integration (VI) has been working hard this season on a variety of projects including the latest Tough Guy Productions release "HarmLess" that will be out fall of 09'.  We are also working with Ydream Productions out of Europe, which I have been going on about lately because of our recent trip there.  Vertical Integration is an athlete driven organization providing promotional tools, resources, and networking opportunities for up-and-coming snow sports athletes of all disciplines.  Our roots have been based in freeheel, but we are shooting and helping alpine skiers and snowboarders just the same.  We are stoked with our growth and embrace the continued interest of industry professionals, supporters, and all the athletes.  So take a look at some of our early season stuff and keep your eyes out for our athletes now starting to appear all over the place.