This place is bad to the bone. This is just a pic of the crew getting geared up at the top of Krippenstien Freeride Arena. This resort is sickness every which way you look. The imagery here is so gorgeous that I have had more than a dozen "How the hell did I get here?" moments in the last two days. The mountains are huge and the cliffs are a total mind blow. The photo below is one Dylan took from our skin up to our coulior I told you all about from the Loser (Low-sah) backcountry. You probaly can't see the filmers and photographers hanging out on the cliff edge waiting for us to get to the coulior, but they are there up on the top of that monster.
Yesterday we spent our down day touring around a small town near here that is rich with history and tradition. The town is called Hallstatt and is absolutely gorgeous. Hallstatt was apparently part of the filming for the famous old movie, "The Sound of Music". I can see why! The crew is still getting after it and we are recieving some snow today. We got a foot last night and it is still snowing throughout today. We are stoked to be getting the conditions we need to get after all of the huge lines and faces we have been scouting for the last two days. Hopefully the snow sticks well and we can take advantage of it. It is looking promising for it so far. We will keep our fingers crossed.