Today was my last day plumbing in the Mid-west for Professional Plumbing. As I left the site after exchanging handshakes with Cooch and the crew I was a bit set back that I would not be returning next summer as I have for the last five years. I am moving to Utah year-round now, and I am packing up and heading out on Tuesday with my bright-eyed and beautiful girlfriend who is also leaving all family and friends behind to be with me as I pursue my goals as a pro freeheeler. It is a trip filled with uncertainty and excitment for two people as we load up our Jeeps and run from the rising eastern sun only to chase it as it sets into the western horizon. We may be uncertain in our future, but realizing that this adventure is one that we will never forget and god willing will look back on and reflect on as though we were two young crazy kids doing something that filled our hearts with zest and appreciation for our all to short time on this earth. For me it is just another journey back to the west for another season of snow, but for her it is a whole new experience. I hope she loves it as much as I do, and together we will build ourselves a little home in the shadow of the Wasatch.