First Snow
I received a voicemail on my cell, yesterday. It was an exstatic voice screaming about the first snow of the year in Utah. "Ben Lomond and Mt. Ogden have snow, you better get back out here. It is on!" My ski bro Zach Houston could barely contain himself as he yelled over the phone. I pictured him on our first snow two seasons ago with a beer in hand and his skis on his shoes in the front yard of our ski bum house last fall getting pulled around by a variety of other beer toting hollering maniacs. The snow was falling and spirits were as high as the peaks. Ullr blessed our party and turned an average friday night into a memory most of the participants will never forget. Skiing is all about these kinds of memories and the like minded people that create them. I am chomping at the bit to pack up my Jeep and make the long drive from the Midwest back to the Wasatch. Only two more weeks and one rowdy Midwest wedding left until I am back there. Zach may not be drinking and skitching in the front yard when I get there, but I am sure there will be more memorable moments just like it real soon.