Thin to win is an old concrete pouring mantra, but it is still the story here in the Wasatch as well. We have received two good storms, but neither storm pounded both regions. The first storm favored the Northern Wasatch, and the second storm favored the Central Wasatch. Both received good shots of snow, but there has also been very little in between. That being said, coverage is decent, but still a bit thin. However, I still need to get it into shape so I have got to be able to make the call to ski the thin to win.
^Ben Geiger and I have been touring the thin...
^...and cautiously turning in the thin.
^It is really all about just getting out, walking around, and getting in shape. It is good to see how the early snowpack is setting up, and start scouting for later in the season. It is starting to come full on as the resorts begin to open up for business.
^The whirlwind of an early season start left my office in shambles. I had to address that before I could even think straight.
^Then my wife, Christine, and I caught some bluegrass in Salt Lake City. "The Devil Makes Three" put on a fantastic evening, and a bluegrass state of mind is a good place to be.
^Snowbird is open for business so I cruised down south with my bluegrass state of mind focused on getting in some quantity work on the tram with Ben Geiger. 2 for 1 passes makes the early season pounding skiing on a day pass a little easier to swallow. A good hard leg beating was exactly what I was looking for. I wanted to get after it for a few hours to really blow out my legs early enough to call it in time for my night shift at Delta Airlines.
^Ben and I hooked up with another telemark ripper, Lance Hamblin. Lance is a Snowbird pass holder, and a freeheel monster. I am not sure he knew what he was rolling into when he asked to take a run with Ben and I. We like to pick our way through scetchy rocks and trees to slip into creamy spots. Often times most folks are not willing to abuse their gear like we do, or take the time to slowly pick around in the rockier terrain. We don't get to crazy or anything, but we have acquired a pretty high tolerance for billy goating it around in sharky terrain. Lance handled it really well, and skied it tough.
^Ben is approaching a small rock band to maneuver in this photo. Again, nothing too crazy, but good technical training and a leg burning workout. Pretty much about as good as you can get for this stage in the season. I was pleasantly surprised.
^We were getting the blood flowing and knocking the summer dust off some of the more techy skills that we usually don't get to test this early in the winter. It was nice to run into a bunch of old and new friends on the tram deck too. Blowing out the legs with a bunch of Snowbird Tram laps was the right perscription. Ben and I were stoked to get to rip a run with my old friend, Ben Johnson. He and his wife Katie are the owners of 2nd Tracks Sports in Salt Lake City. The best new and used outdoor shop in the city. The season is slowly starting to setting in. I am anxiously anticipating the winter going full on, but I am still taking advantage to the chances to properly get ready for it.