^Sunset on the B-gates offers a pretty nice view of the city, and the Wasatch Range. A little Skywest Brazalia propellor plane cruises past as we wait for our jet to arrive.
^On the other side you get a whole different look. The sun sets on a CRJ regional jet. The views are much better from here then from inside the bin.
^As night sets in the whole scene changes a bit. With the way that a jet reflects light the whole place lights up differently. Keeps things interesting. I spend a lot of hours out there so keeping it interesting is a challenge all on its own. With the move to De-ice I will be going back into a more freshman type of role with plenty of learning situations. It is good for me. More hours, but more money as well. Also, it still interferes little with skiing every day. Love it. I will be busy again, as usual, but that is good for me also.